About Us

We can honestly say Roy Thompson's is more than just an online store...

We specialize in selling unique luxury products without the luxury price tag.

After all, accessories and watches are more than just dressing an outfit. It’s about telling your story and expressing your individuality. Here at Roy Thompson's, we understand that and created this store to provide a platform not just for a specific group of men, but for all.

Founded in 2018, Roy Thompson's has fast grown into one of the most respected men’s independent online retailers.  With a dedicated team of buyers who attend trade fairs all over the world to bring you the very latest trends.

We consistently evolve and work our brand to ensure it is relevant and affordable for our ever-growing customer base.

We like our customers to become a part of something and strive to reflect this within our products and service we provide. So you can be assured, the journey from the manufacturer to your wardrobe will be an enjoyable experience.

If you have any questions or queries you are more than welcome to contact a member of the team by emailing hello@roythompson.com